Wilderness Whitetails News

Keeping you up to date on Wilderness Whitetails "Ultimate Whitetail Experience".

Always something happening at Wilderness Whitetails!

With the start of spring, the entire staff at Wilderness Whitetails is working tirelessly to make sure the 2019 Whitetail Hunting Season is our best ever. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our hunts and the overall experience for our guests. This year we are improving our already impressive facilities and creating new shooting lanes and food plots. All the hard work that goes into our preserve off season, is the reason why Wilderness Whitetails is the known for providing world class Whitetail Hunting experiences, and consistently producing the largest Whitetails in North America.

Believe it or not, the 2019 Whitetails Hunting Season is just 5 months away. Make 2019 the year that you finally bring home that trophy of a lifetime. Call Greg or Shorty Flees now to reserve your preferred dates. Early season velvet hunts are still available if you are looking to try something new and bring home a unique trophy.

What our clients have to say

“I am writing you this letter to let you know how I appreciated hunting with you this year. I am an avid bow hunter and have hunted all across North America. I thought the quality of our Wilderness Whitetails hunt was superb. It’s great to hunt with guides that have such a in-depth knowledge of the property and love for the outdoors that I do. Thank you for a great time.

All our best.”
-Ron W.

Groups, Corporate Hunts & The Lodge

If you have a group or are planning a corporate hunt, Wilderness Whitetails has got you covered. Our lodges can accommodate large groups and have all the amenities you could ask for. Wifi, satellite TV, private bathrooms, fully stocked bar and kitchen and home cooked meals. Give us a call for details and available dates. 

We’ve updated our Photo Gallery!
Visit http://wildernesswhitetails.com/galleries/trophy/2018 to view some of our favorite hunts from the 2018 season.


Call Now to book your hunt! 715.572.5334  |  gflees@charter.net or shorty@wi-net.com

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Call Now to book your hunt! 715.572.5334  |  gflees@charter.net or shorty@wi-net.com

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Call Now to book your hunt! 715.572.5334  |  gflees@charter.net or shorty@wi-net.com

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Call Now to book your hunt! 715.572.5334  |  gflees@charter.net or shorty@wi-net.com

Time to start planning your 2019 Whitetail Hunt!
2018 Trophy Gallery Now Online! - Wilderness White...

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About Wilderness Whitetails:

The Flees brothers first began offering hunts on their heavily wooded property in 1999. Since, the quality of Wilderness Whitetails bucks has gotten better and better with each passing year.

Wilderness Whitetails hunters have taken six different bucks that broke the non-typical record mark for all regions of the country in years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011, including a 444” buck in 2010 and monstrous 492” in 2011

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